So much is going on right now it makes one's head spin. In Jamaica the ACC has leveled its sights on the Episcopal Church of the United States of America and the Anglican Church of Canada. They talk of visitations and moratoria and prohibitions and whose in and whose out all based on whether one is gay or not, a woman or not, handicapped or not, brown or black or socio-economically disadvantaged or not. The big boys tell us that the days of the Episcopal Church are numbered and that the Anglican Church in North America will take over -- that "there are more of them than there are of us". There are those who worry more about what goes on in the bedroom rather than what goes on in the church.
But, in the midst of all of this there was a special moment (actually several). Our daughter was officially notified she was pregnant a little over 27 weeks ago. It was, for her, a difficult time as she struggled almost weekly with passing blood and tissue. Finally, the doc told her to stay in bed for a while until a specialist could see her -- frustrated type A that she is - she did do what she was told. Finally the ob/gyn says it is okay to go back to work. She did. Then, we travel to SO. Cal for a two week period to take care of Wilma's parents (82 in a SNF) and (86 that had an anterior cervical fusion) while we were there. The last day we are there we get a call from our daughter's husband, the baby was still-born. Turns out the cord got tied in a knot and the baby died. He was 1lb 12oz and a little over 13 inches long.
The next few days were nothing short of a miracle. Two Episcopal parishes have come to her rescue, quite literally. Food, taking care of their first child (the Presiding Bishop's friend :-0), prayers, cards, good wishes, support and help from everywhere and all the times of the day and night. St. Francis and Christ The King are two incredible loving, caring, helping, supporting, quite typical Episcopal parishes. As the dad, to watch this support for my daughter was stunning -- but typical of an Episcopal Church. Frankly, I do not know nor do I care even if I do know what goes on in peoples bedrooms, my daughter is strengthened by everyone. I know that men and women both came to care for her and it made no never mind what anyone's income level was or where they lived or what they do in their spare time. I do know this -- they responded like a typical Christian. We ALL can do no less. It is this that I want to see supported and lifted up by means of the Episcopal Bill of Rights. I want ALL these people to know that they are loved just as they love my daughter. I want them to be a part of my life and my Savior's life and I am not shy or bashful any longer about that. I believe that everyone has waited too long. Now is too late but tomorrow will be too much later. And the numbers are fine since everyone is included and everyone loves and everyone loved. If you have everyone -- no one is left out and we have all the numbers we need.
Opinion – 8 March 2025
3 days ago
I do know this -- they responded like a typical Christian. We ALL can do no less.¨ Fred
What a encouraging story...interesting, we almost instinctively know how to be ¨typical Christians¨ because we are ¨typical Christians¨ and I think the Episcopalians Bill of Rights reminds everyone exactly what ¨typical¨´s entirely appropriate to apologize and then go forward in front of God and EVERYONE else with a clean slate.
Thank you
Amen and Amen! God bless you and your family and our great big spiritual family as well!
in X-C,
Fred, what a blessing after such a heart-breaking thing for your family.
Prayers out for your family, and that includes prayers of thanksgiving for your Piskie families who have helped so much.
(A quiet tear for the child you will not not know, yet somehow always love.)
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