The Global South, GAFCON and the Fellowship (their is a euphemism if I ever heard one) of Confessing Anglicans really wants to dictate who can be "saved". The leadership of these groups has set themselves up as the only true interpreters of scripture. It is not solo scriptura per se, but rather purple shirts versus the rest of the world. It is not a question of the three legged stool but rather who gets to set/interpret the concept of reason and tradition. Their goal is the hijacking of the Anglican Communion. So what they have done is develop this odd way of putting/holding the Anglican Communion together, i.e., the Anglican Communion. At least that is what it started out to be. After four iterations and real dialogue the Covenant was rejected by the GAFCON/FCA/CANA etc. because it lacks the clarity of making certain folks the "boss" of us all. Now they have set up an office in England and a requirement that real Anglicans will adopt sign on to the Jerusalem Declaration. But, they have continued to distract from the real issue and that is the power to determine who is and who is not to be Anglican -- that is in my humble opinion, who is and is not to be saved.
We, on the other had, continue to dink around with the Anglican Covenant. Fiddling while