I am relatively new to the world of blogging. I am very new to the world of "lets see how many people we can hate, disenfranchise and otherwise despise" and I am disappointed to know that many of these people are learned individuals who unfortunately appear to be out to get something for themselves.
One of the many things I have learned over my lifetime is to find out who is playing since those people that like to play tend to bring their own set of strengths, weaknesses and biases to the game. In essence, it helps to explain when and how things are going when one understands who is playing. It helps to have a scorecard.
So, in the interest of filling out everyone’s scorecard here are a few names. What I would appreciate from all of you is filling in the gaps so that if you need to add a name please do. If you can give some background on one or more of these individuals please do. It is hard to hide when you are standing in the light of day!
In the first tier, these are the “playas”. These are looking for the pointed little hat that the guy in Rome wears. The immortals.
The Most Rev Peter Akinola, Primate of Nigeria
The Most Rev Gregory Venables, Primate of The Southern Cone
The Most Rev Emmanuel Kolini, Primate of Rwanda
The Most Rev Valentino Mokiwa, Primate of Tanzania
The Most Rev Benjamin Nzmibi, Primate of Kenya
The Most Rev Henry Orombi, Primate of Uganda
The Most Rev Peter Jensen, Archbishop of Sydney, Australia
In the second tier, those that have got theirs and are looking for a little more:
The Rt. Rev’d Bill Atwood, Anglican Church of Kenya
The Rt. Rev’d John Guernsey, Anglican Church of Uganda
The Rt. Rev’d Don Harvey, Anglican Province of the Southern Cone
The Rt. Rev’d Martyn Minns, Church of Nigeria (CANA)
The Rt. Rev’d Chuck Murphy, Anglican Church of Rwanda
Mr. John David Schofield, Anglican Church of Southern Cone
The Rt. Rev’d John Iker, Episcopal Diocese of Forth Worth, TX
The Rt. Rev’d Robert Duncan, Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh, PA
The Rt. Rev’d John Howe, Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida
In the third tier, the bottom feeders:
The Rev’d Canon Neal Michell
Diocese of Dallas
The Rev’d George Willcox Brown III
Diocese of Dallas
The Rev’d Anthony F. M. Clavier
Diocese of Northern Indiana
The Rev’d Daniel K. Dunlap
Diocese of Texas
The Rev’d Joseph B. Howard
Diocese of Tennessee
The Rev’d Nathan J.A. Humphrey
Diocese of Washington
The Rev’d Richard Kew
Diocese of Tennessee
The Rev’d Canon Dr. Graham Kings
Vicar, St. Mary’s Islington (Church of England)
The Rev’d Daniel H. Martins
Diocese of Northern Indiana
The Rev’d Dorsey McConnell
Diocese of Massachusetts
The Very Rev’d Dr. Jean McCurdy Meade
Diocese of Louisiana
The Rev’d Matthew S. C. Olver
Diocese of Dallas
The Rev’d Dr. Ephraim Radner
Diocese of Colorado
The Rev’d Bruce M. Robison
Diocese of Pittsburgh
Mr. Dale A. Rye
Diocese of Texas
Mr. Dave Sims
Diocese of Dallas
Mr. Craig Uffman
Diocese of Northern Indiana
Mr. Christopher Wells
Diocese of Northern Indiana
Once again, with these names in place please help by adding names and by adding what you know about the person's background. (It is interesting to note that there is not a woman among them). Once we have a bunch on information in place I will sort it out and bring it back in some semblance of order so we all can understand what is going on – at least in part.
Next week we will begin the work on those who can/will work to restore the Episcopal Church and its place in the Church militant.
Remember the following lines from a prior post. I believe this is a driving force:
You sharpen the human appetite to the point where it can split atoms with its desire; you build egos the size of cathedrals; fiber-optically connect the world to every eager impulse; grease even the dullest dreams with these dollar-green, gold-plated fantasies, until every human becomes an aspiring emperor, becomes his own God... and where can you go from there?
Church Abuse and Safeguarding
6 hours ago