Friday, February 27, 2009
Stations of the Cross
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
San Joaquin Updates
The opinion herein, filed on January 5, 2009, and appearing at 45 Cal.4th 467, is modified as follows: The first sentence in the second full paragraph on page 473 is modified to read:"Applying the neutral principles of law approach, we conclude, on this record, that the general church, not the local church, owns the property in question."
"This modification does not affect the judgment."
The third full paragraph on page 476 is modified to read: "We granted review to decide whether this action is subject to the special motion to strike under Code of Civil Procedure section 425.16 and to address the merits of the church property dispute."The first full paragraph on page 478, under "B.," is modified to read: "Both lower courts also addressed the merits of the dispute over ownership of the local church - the trial court found in favor of the local church and the Court of Appeal found clear and convincing evidence in favor of the general church. We will also address this question, which the parties as well as various amici curiae have fully briefed. We will first consider what method the secular courts of this state should use to resolve disputes over church property. We will then apply that method to analyze the dispute of this case." The first sentence of the first full paragraph on page 493 is modified to read: "For these reasons, we agree with the Court of Appeal's conclusion (although not with all of its reasoning) that, on this record, when defendants disaffiliated from the Episcopal Church, the local church property reverted to the general church."emphasis added.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Sunday Music - 23rd Psalm
Friday, February 20, 2009
Gracious Restraint? What's Up?
The Episcopal Book of Common prayer defines sacrament(s) as such:
Sacraments ordained of Christ be not only badges or tokens of Christian men’s profession, but rather they be certain sure witnesses, and effectual signs of grace, and God’s good will towards us, by the which he doth work invisibly in us, and doth not only quicken, but also strengthen and confirm our Faith in him.
The Roman Catholics define sacrament as such:
According to the New Roman Catholic Catechism, the definition of “sacrament” is “an outward sign, instituted by Christ, to give inward grace.” Each sacrament has an outward sign, something that the recipient can see and touch. Though the Church has built rituals around each sacrament to increase reverence and to explain the sacramental effects, the sacrament, itself, was instituted by Christ, since only God has the ability to confer grace
I hope we can all agree that a sacrament is not "magic" but rather a GIFT from God. Now, as I read the two definitions I see no qualification of who can or cannot receive sacraments. No, let's not get our knickers in a twist, I realize that we, "the church" have established an ordering of sacraments but there are no prequalifications save baptism. But even with Baptism, there is no "personal" prequalification. That is to say, I find no concept that in order to receive a sacrament one must be white, or tall, or man or woman, or anything such as that. One must be contrite, in a relationship with the Lord and the gift is yours.
At Father Mark's place he takes a reductionist argument saying in effect, let's just not baptize the LGBT community (don't get crazy, that was just an argument he used to further his point). If, as I believe and that persons such as IT and Goran and JCF and others have scientifically demonstrated sexual orientation is an issue of genetics (IT, forgive me and clear it up if I am of target here) Then gracious restraint, as Father Mark has described, must be invoked at baptism, actually prior to baptism. If it is not then we should be taking back baptism and then, we should withhold communion, ordination, confirmation, and all the other "sacraments" while the other folks restrain themselves from boarding an airplane and traveling to Canada or the United States. Okay, all together now, HUH? That is by almost any standards, absolutely absurd!
The fact is sacraments are gifts from God, not from man. God gave them to man and I find it hard to understand how man can take them away. Why would anyone believe that they can take away "God's good will toward us." Why would anyone, correction, any professing Christian want to? We must be very careful about taking on the persona of God. We must not decide who is worthy and who is not worthy of sacraments and grace and God's good will. If we believe that our spiritual health depends on our individual relationship with God and then we place ourselves in God's place, well let me just parrot a line from the Devil's Advocate: "Pride, my favorite sin."
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
You Can't Do That!
Fr. Howard and Deacon Erin Giles, clergy in good standing of the Anglican Diocese of San Joaquin, are forming a core group to plant an Anglican church in theLas Vegas/Henderson area of Southern Nevada. A group of twelve is planning Ash Wednesday and Lenten Soup Suppers in private homes. Please contact us so that you can join us in fellowship and in seeking the Lord.
The Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin today determined that sixteen deacons and thirty-six priests had abandoned the communion of the Episcopal Church. Findings against each of the fifty-two clergy were based on specific violations of the Constitution and Canons of the Episcopal Church related to their support of attempts to remove the diocese from the Episcopal Church, and their repudiation of the ecclesiastical authority of the Episcopal Church and the diocese. And then Bishop Lamb names the names, the two that Nevada should be concerned with are as follows:
The Rev. Erin Giles, Manteca
Monday, February 16, 2009
The last one sober
Until five months ago, there were two of us. Me, and S - I always referred to him as the "the other sober one." We live five miles apart, the two stubborn cusses that wouldn't drink no matter what. For quite a long time we kept each other strong through the fear, sorrow, insomnia and muscle pains. Phone calls and emails, any time of day or night.
We didn't have much else in common, and in time we became sporadic correspondents. Maybe we just stopped worrying about each other, and that was the wrong thing to do.
Just tonight, I heard from him; the news isn't good. He relapsed hard in November, going into liver failure after a few weeks of daily, constant drinking. Liver failure, indeed...he lapsed into a hepatic coma for about five weeks. The strong, handsome man is now an invalid, struggling to re-solidify the scrambled eggs in his brain. He's slowly improving, but the prognosis is an unknown - I've seen miracles, and I've seen death.
Pray for S.
Pray for everyone who wants that drink they shouldn't have.
Pray for the people I loved that died because they couldn't say - no.
Pray for me, too, because it's lonely to be the last one who wanted to keep living. I don't understand how they lost hope, and I haven't. Because hope isn't in the bottle, hope comes when you pour what's in the bottle down the drain.
Here's a little ditty for all those that are still in the game - She'll Have You Back. Name your she-devil and sing along.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Abide With Me (Sunday Music)
Ladies and gentlemen: The Fron Male Voice Choir from Wales, a cut from their CD Voices of the Valley.
Friday, February 13, 2009
A Modest Case For Inclusion
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Father, Abba, Dad, Daddy
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Episcopalian Meets Methodists (Sunday Music)
Here is a beautiful choral arrangement of that classic hymn - it has quite the Anglican flair, I think! Yet as I listen, I can tell this 65-voice choir is Methodist, and that they sing together every week as members of a very special family. Yea, they make a joyful noise unto the Lord.
The Old Rugged Cross, by Rev. George Bennard; arrangement by Tom Jordan, as performed by the Cathedral Choir, Hyde Park Community United Methodist Church, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Mr. Iker Gives The Store Away
The property of Trinity Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, and St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church, Southlake, has been transferred into the name of the Rectors and Wardens of those parishes, respectively. The property of St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, and St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Stephenville, will be transferred upon removal of financial encumberances in the form of building loans currently in the name of the Corporation.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
In a recent interview with ENS fondly entitled "Hogwash"
(or something like that)
Mr. William Gandeberger, aka, "The Author of the Jerusalem Declaration", said the following:
"... Schofield's canon to the ordinary, told ENS that accusations of lay people or priests being punished for disagreeing with the direction of the diocese were "hogwash."
"I have never seen [Schofield] react harshly or act in retribution because someone disagreed with him," Gandenberger said. He said that "the charge of false accusations is totally bogus" because Schofield disciplined clergy "only for cause."
Schofield has a "steady line" of people coming to his office to talk with him about issues and gives those people "willing ears to hear" even if he disagrees with them, Gandenberger said.
(I have no idea why the ENS would refer to a deposed priest as "the Reverend" but in this article Ms. Mary Frances Schjonberg does just that)
Let's take a look at the hogwash. As an avid speaker in favor of leaving the diocese The Reverend Dan Martins does just that when he is double-crossed by Mr. Schofield. The Reverend Risard is accused of theft and his books and records are taken by police at the request of Mr. Schofield. A defrocked priest is brought in to St. Francis of Turlock after the Reverend Joel Miller is driven out of that parish for remaining episcopal. Father Miller was a significant spokesperson for Remain Episcopal before being beaten to another diocese. The deposed priest promptly moves in, destroys the once united parish and then is promptly moved out because he is "defrocked". The (real) Reverend Mark Hall is ostracized in his own diocese for opposing Mr. Schofield. St. Dunstans is closed and sold because Mr. Schofield needs money for his nonsensical and protracted attempt to steal Episcopal real and personal property. This leaves at least one St. Dunstan's parishioner with gifts that had gone to St. Dunstans that were kept by Mr. Schofield. Stained glass windows dedicated to the memory of good Episcopalians are left to be trashed by whoever bought the property. Ear you say Mr. Gandenberger - the only ear ever given to a good Episcopalian was the one Mr. Schofield loped off and handed to the parishioner for listening to ++Jefferts Schori.
In addition, when Mr. Schofield was asked about women and their "place" in the church Mr. Schofiled was heard to say, "Why yes, even women have a place in the Episcopal Church."
Never seen an act of retribution, talk with the (real) Reverend Tim Vivian or anyone from St. Andrews Taft, CA. No, Mr. Schofield is the eptiome of the idea either you are "with me or against me". If you are not with me, you are against me.
Mr. Schofield disciplined people for cause all right. He disciplined people every time 'cause he wanted to.
And in conclusion a refresher for those who have held the title reverend but are now Mr.
The eighth commandment forbids misrepresenting the truth in our relations with others. This moral prescription flows from the vocation of the holy people to bear witness to their God who is the truth and wills the truth. Offenses against the truth express by word or deed a refusal to commit oneself to moral uprightness: they are fundamental infidelities to God and, in this sense, they undermine the foundations of the covenant. Please take that quote in the kindest sense possible.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Next Bus Stop: Heaven

Friends and fans of the blogosphere's infamous Mad Priest know of his new challenge: creating a really snarky ad for London buses. Inspired by recent "atheist" bus ad campaigns, there's a fun little generator tool at Rule the Web; just be sure to save your creations to your hard drive or some other storage space that belongs to you.
Well, you can imagine my surprise when I realized I could sum up my basic philosophy on Christianity in one bus advertisement.
If you have posted one of your ad creations on your blog, feel free to post a link in the comment section. What an opportunity for shameless self-promotion - don't miss out!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Sunday Music - The Bruce for the middle-aged
Since it's Sunday, this classic Bruce tune is the acoustic version. You might actually learn the words to this song today - and nope, it's not very "suitable." But it's all about the memories, babe.