Monday, July 21, 2008

He works in mysterious ways...

This may end up being the best photo from Lambeth. Many thanks to Däˈvēd for posting about this gem at Preludium.

Smile, Bishop Bob, you're on candid camera!

To read the Episcopal Life story about the service, and see a larger view of Bishop Duncan's happy-happy face, head on over to Episcopal Life Line. And here's the ENS official caption for the photo - including a quote from Jon Bruno about "walking with Bob."
Diocese of Pittsburgh Bishop Robert Duncan, left, and Diocese of Los Angeles Bishop Jon Bruno process July 20 into Canterbury Cathedral for the Lambeth Conference's opening Eucharist. Bishops were not formally paired for the process and Bruno said later that his walk with Duncan "was the arrangement of God." He added that he thought it was "wonderful that he and I can walk together. The last thing that I said to him is that I pray for us to at unity for years to come. He said, 'Find a way' and he might, you never can tell." (ENS photo/Mary Frances Schjonberg; © 2008 Episcopal Life Online).