The Episcopal blog world is abuzz with ACI and The Communion Partners. Well, where have you all been? The Communion Partners and ACI and the Covenant Group are all tied together along with the Diocese of West Texas. Apparently no one has read the CP website or the West Texas resolutions passed at their last convention. In addition to all that keep in mind there is a secondary group from CP called the Communion Rectors group.
Any one hazzard a guess that what is going on is benign? Why is this a surprise? The CP and the ACI and Duncan and Radner are all tied together.
Finally, anybody care to put a plan together now?
Opinion – 12 March 2025
1 day ago
No. People won't get involved until they suddenly learn that they are no longer Anglican or no longer Episcopal or whatever. Then it will be too late. And I suspect they won't care then either.
I certainly hope you are wrong. In the meantime we continue to work for the good of TEC!
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