The evening was capped by an excellent banquet. These are delegates from Christ the King Community Epsicopal Church.

Not every convention goer gets this kind of a welcome from the staff!

A table representative provides input into the visioning process for the diocese. San Joaquin is moving forward into a new future.

A deputy to General Convention provides some detailed narrative on what transpired at GC 2009.

Clergy are still permitted to cast votes in our diocese. ;-)

The Chancellor provides expert Parlimentarian advice for the convention.

Bishop Lamb directs the order of business for the meeting.

Our typical convention goer. As you may recall he was once held by the Presiding Bishop. Now big enough to "motor on his own" he is prepared to meet any contingency. Notice the badges as well as pins.
1 comment:
Thanks for posting all those photos - particularly the ones of your grandson. Where has the time gone? (The badge and pin look is quite sporty).
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