...Fred and his wife. Since Fred is a gentleman - and leaves his wife's actual name out of his postings - let's call her Wilma. Though it's been many a year since I've seen an episode of The Flintstones, I recall Wilma was beautiful, smart and loved her Fred; so the name fits if she doesn't mind :-)
A celebration calls for a cake, of course. I think something sweet, spicy and a tiny bit old-fashioned is in order. So Fred, and your lady love and wife: happy anniversary, and the cake has no calories unless you eat it!
My Favorite Spice Cake
3/4 cup butter, softened to room temperature (not melted)
1-1/4 cup light brown sugar
1 cup white sugar
3 large eggs
3 cups sifted cake flour (sift, then measure)
1-1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1-1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
3/4 teaspoon nutmeg
3/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon black pepper
1-1/2 cup buttermilk
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. (adjust racks so top of cake pans are in the middle of the oven). Prepare two 9" round cake pans for baking: lightly grease and flour, then line bottoms with wax or parchment paper. Set aside.
Sift together the pre-sifted flour, baking soda and spices (use a fine sieve if you don't have a sifter). Set aside.
On medium speed of mixer, cream together the butter and sugars until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs. Using a rubber spatula, or the very lowest speed of the mixer, alternately mix in small batches of the flour mixture and buttermilk. Divide batter evenly between the two pans.
Bake 35-40 minutes in pre-heated oven. Note: be sure to stagger pans in opposite corners, away from oven walls, and slightly apart. When 35 minutes have elapsed, test cake by lightly touching the middle of one layer. As soon as no imprint remains, cake is done. Cool layers 10 minutes in the pans, then on baking racks (remove paper liners before racking). When cakes are completely cooled, brush off excess crumbs and frost with caramel or buttercream frosting.
Caramel Icing
1/3 cup heavy cream
6 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons white sugar
3 cups confectioner's sugar (measure, then sift)
Heat together the cream and butter, set aside. Caramelize the sugar to a medium brown color; add scalded cream mixture and whisk to dissolve all the sugar. Pour mixture into a bowl, and gradually beat in the sifted confectioner's sugar until fluffy. Add a little extra cream or milk if the frosting is to stiff to spread easily on the cake layers. Fill the two layers then frost top and sides. Add candles if appropriate.
(Leonardo, your chocolate cake is next).
I am at a loss for words. Yes, we shall leave her name at Wilma but she is beautifuful, smart, fun to be with and my very best friend. We are, to some extent, hometown sweethearts though we did not go to school together. She is a beautiful letter writer and has a bountiful creative soul. She quite frankly, the one and only love of my life. And, what makes a marriage last is in part being surrounded by the best of friends both here at home and through the blogsphere.
We will together, bake ourselves our anniversay cake.
Blessings on you Ms. Lynn.
At the risk of seeming all-knowing, Fred, I jotted down the date and number of years from a post at Father T's. Sorry I can't bring you to a cake, there's a little geography problem :-)
Happy, happy day, and many more loving years to come.
Lynn, you do notice and pay attention to detail- that was great! And happy anniversary to you and Wilma! That was funny calling her Wilma- now I'll be picturing Fred as Fred Flintstone with a club in his hand! Ha funny! You've got us beat by a year then if I haven't lost track of the math.. We're 37 yrs married (June 1971)... boy that's also giving away how old we are..yikes! Enjoy the wonderful day..
Fred and "Wilma"! Happy anniversary!
O God, you have so consecrated the covenant of marriage that in it is represented the spiritual unity between Christ and his Church: Send therefore your blessing upon these your servants, that they may so love, honor, and cherish each other in faithfulness and patience, in wisdom and true godliness, that their home may be a haven of blessing and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
Lynn reall knows how to throw a party...especially the ones that drive us all crazy with delight! Biggest Happy Anniversary MESSAGE I can sing to you from under the Volcano...thank you for your friendship, Fred and Wilma...may you continue to cook up a storm!
Love to you both,
Leonardo Ricardo
Ah, yet another wonderful recipe by St. Lynn of the Table.
Happy, happy anniversary, Fred! Just wonderful!
A Blessed and Happy Anniversary, Fred and Wilma!
How lovely that you bake your anniversary cake together.
Aw heck, Fred, you found my gift (Sangria), right?
Nevermind...your home be a haven of blessing and peace, ya hear?, as it always was and most probably will be.
Check out my blog. There's a gift there for ya, based on our dinner together.
I removed the post above, because somehow, in my eagerness, my previous post got posted twice.
Amen. It appears that you are richly blessed with each other and loving friends. May it long continue so.
Thanks Lynn for a reason to joyful and yet another wonderful sounding recipe.
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